AAUW Petaluma on Facebook
AAUW National
Advances equity for women & girls through research, education, and advocacy.
Facilitates meeting the vision and mission of AAUW in California.
Graduate Women International (GWI)
Empowering women and girls through lifelong education.
Tech Trek-California
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) camp for young women who will enter eighth grade in the fall.
WorkSmart & StartSmart
Free online programs on salary negotiation for everyone. No need to be an AAUW member.
Two-Minute Activist
MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD IN CONGRESS with timely email messages.
No need to be an AAUW member.
AAUW Stands Against Racism
AAUW is committed to the vision of equity for all. As an organization we acknowledge that there is still much work to be done. We encourage and support the efforts of our members to educate themselves on this topic and to take action to ensure that AAUW remains a diverse and inclusive organization.