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TechTrek Professional Women's Night

September 27, 2007 - Birthday party for Noemi Anderson at 110!


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Noemi Anderson, the oldest known AAUW member and newly adopted Petaluma Branch member was honored with several bands, refreshments and cake at her 110th birthday party on Friday, September 28th. Kay Kerriden, Patty Shribbs, Doris Tolks, Joanne and Terry Garvey, Pam Torliatt and Pam Granger were in attendance at her birthday at Sunrise Assisted Living. Former member Kay Sweeney, a current resident, was also present.

Two grandchildren were by her side, as representatives from Congresswoman Woolsey, Assembly member Huffman and Senator Migdon's office presented her with awards. Pam Torliatt, Petaluma's mayor, delivered a proclamation honoring Noemi. She seemed to enjoy the giant card and the two bead necklaces from the branch. See the article in the November newsletter


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