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TechTrek Professional Women's Night

Petaluma American Association of University Women



authors of


"Not Your Mother's Midlife:

A 10-Step Guide to FEARLESS AGING"

It’s coming. That time of dealing with the truth that aging is approaching and you can choose to handle it...or ignore it...or panic. How do you face those years of getting older when the world constantly pays attention to a youthful culture? Marilyn and Nancy will share their interviews with women who have dealt with the multiple issues, and also will contrast the choices women have today versus our mothers’ generation. Can the second half of a woman’s life be the best half?

Speech, Reception, and Book-Signing

SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 2004 • 2-4 p.m.


518 ‘B’ Street, Petaluma

TICKETS: $20.00 • Doors open at 1:30 pm

Benefits Petaluma AAUW programs

Marilyn Kentz, the Petaluma mom who is well known as co-star of the comedy show "The Mommies", which went from stage to NBC TV and then to a Showtime Comedy Special, has added another role: author. In this book about "Fearless Aging," Marilyn and co-author, Nancy Alspaugh, explore with seriousness and humor the decades-long transition from youth to older person. Nancy, who worked with Marilyn when she was the executive producer of the ABC talk show, "Caryl and Marilyn: Real Friends," has been in the television industry for more than 20 years, producing numerous network and syndicated shows, including Leeza. The co-authors will be publishing another book that delves further into the transitions that await every woman.

Tickets available at: Sonoma County Bath Works in the Great Petaluma Mill (daily) or

Kathy Schmidt, Frank Howard Allen, 905 E. Washington, (across from Kinko’s)

(707) 775-2209

for more information.


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